Sitemap - 2022 - Building Out Loud

Simon Sinek’s guide to playing the infinite game

What is the infinite game? Here’s your cheat sheet

Playing the infinite game in venture capital

Lean down the mountain

Great news! Companies are not getting deals…

Is your team waiting for permission instead of taking action?

The counter-intuitive ‘Slam Dunk Financing’ that can be a founder’s secret weapon

A research commercialisation manifesto

What makes a great venture partner?

Before you start pitching, roleplay the investor perspective

Are you building a monopoly inside a fractured and minuscule market?

Loving the alien

Five questions to ask about equity when joining a startup for the first time

How to slice the pie when founding a company

What I want as an investor participating in an accelerator program

NDA? You need a PDA!

Venture capital’s big bang was the moment scientists became owners

The early-stage venture capitalist’s hunt for a ‘win pattern.’

Big moves don’t happen on Zoom

I learned from a very wise man :)

Hope in the downturn

A place for investors to send incomplete teams

Do investment committees know if an early-stage investment is a good one?

More sherpas, fewer gatekeepers for research commercialisation

7 ideas for accelerators including cancelling demo day

Do we still need startup accelerators?

An invite-only Founder Foundry for the next generation of startup leaders

The kindest, most helpful thing an investor can do is say it. Say it now.

It’s not my job to do everything

Please, have an opinion

How I use Roam Research to track my venture capital projects

How I capture everything quickly in Roam Research during my day in venture capital

How I use Calendly in venture capital

How I use Superhuman in venture capital

My digital ‘mise en place’ for venture capital. How I keep the plates spinning.

Investors and entrepreneurs can learn calm from chefs

Love the garden you planted. It’s growing isn’t it?

Designing clarity contagion in startups

There is no ‘lack of weakness’ when we invest in a new company

Early stage venture is artisanal, even at scale

The responsibility of clarity

Tick tock — can others hear your clock?

Most people won’t hear your ideas from you — design for that

Ego — the incredibly powerful yet fragile currency of entrepreneurship

The hardest conversation for an early stage investor to have with a founder you have backed

Synbio researchers, come out of the ‘too hard basket’ — you are ready to build and we are ready to…

Thank you for the thoughtful response Sarah.

Nurturing the ecology of talent as well as individual talent

What is my role in the startup ecosystem? Should I have one?

What can’t we see? What can’t we hear? What don’t we understand?

Start customer development early in your synbio startup

4 principles of thesis-driven investing

We need more professors in Ferraris

In early stage deep tech venture, ‘writing a cheque’ is the easy part

The shifting sands of capital


Building a united, ambitious culture

The rule to rule all rules

Practice decisions with consequence through video games

The practice of a startup CEO that needed to scale quickly

“They want me to lead. So I have to learn to get comfortable with that.”

Learning from deep tech startup CEOs: Nancy Schellhorn from RapidAIM

6 habits of a startup CEO “athlete”

“Can I do this?” The daily question of a startup CEO

4 useful pieces of information for early stage investors to include when saying ‘No’ to funding a…

First meeting with a founder: an early stage investor’s guide

An early stage investor’s guide to founders

6 tips for scientists to be better storytellers

Scientist asks a VC: How do VCs ‘add value’?

Scientist asks a VC: How is a decision made around who leads a round?

Scientist asks a VC: When asked about an exit, is it a trick question?

Scientists asks a VC: When should we approach VCs?

Scientist asks a VC: What invites curiosity in a pitch?

Scientist asks a VC: When reviewing pitches, what are some red flags?

Scientist asks a VC: What level of evidence is required when discussing market size or value?

Scientist asks a VC: what weighting does the VC place on the composition of an advisory board?

Scientist asks a VC: What particular qualities in the founding team are VCs looking for?

5 tactics using time & consistency to build your VC syndicate

If you don’t know the answer to these 4 questions, you are unlikely to land a cheque from a VC

The counter-intuitive approach of designing deep tech startup milestones around what VCs want

Startups should never grow up

In the last few years of Kazaa the numbers are stronger than ever but the light was dimming

The Venture Science Canvas: my ‘napkin’ for starting a new company with advantage

The biggest mistake a scientist can make when communicating their innovation is to use their…

I was so fed up with the scrappiness, I tried to 'leave' and had a go with Obsidian, Logseq etc.

3 years of being chased at Kazaa

4 must-have Roam extensions for investors

12 differences between corporates and startups for innovators to tune into

Sing the world into existence — what startups can learn from aboriginal culture

3 words that will bring out the best in your startup team + crank up velocity & innovation

An experiment-based practice for board directors to manage risk while going fast

2 frames for investors to see opportunities that others will miss

This is what a ‘slam dunk financing’ looks like for a Series A, deep tech food company

TODO list for the first 90 days after starting a deep tech startup

How we are using ‘designed jeopardy’ at the Australian Open to make our next leap

Four ways this investor increased his productivity whilst also increasing his joy

Startups, we are remarkable. Look at what we are building together. Look at how far we have come.

The legal system isn’t like the TV — the moment in the Kazaa case where the global entertainment…

What we are learning as we build a community of artists & sports people around our venture…

4 mission-critical reasons to hire a creative director today in your deep tech start up

4 skills I learned as a theatre director that made me a better entrepreneur and investor

Deep tech founders, most people don’t understand, the rest don’t believe you

Using Roam Research to manage the firehose of information in venture capital — part 4

Using Roam Research to manage the firehose of information in venture capital — part 3

Using Roam Research to manage the firehose of information in venture capital — part 2

Using Roam Research to manage the firehose of information in venture capital — part 1

10 more founder actions that work shared by the startup community

A risk averse board can crush innovation. Here is a way to lean into risk

Designing equity structures that motivate founders to push through when it gets hard

5 founder beliefs we instil quickly when starting a company

The day that I realised the difference between a founder and an employee

Inside my venture ‘black box’ — thinking out loud, shaping ideas and getting feedback to make them…